September 18th, 2009

Adwords Ad Policy

Google Adwords gives allows you the creative freedom to advertise in a way that you think is best suited to generating traffic for your website.
However, there are certain policies that have to be adhered to.
For instance, your headline can contain only 25 characters, and your two descriptive lines may only contain 35 characters. With these restrictions, it is important that you choose you words very carefully….


It is also necessary to include a valid display URL, especially as prices stated within the ad text must always be supported within 1-2 clicks of your landing page.
Additionally, only one exclamation point within the ad text is allowed, so including 7 or 8 exclamation points to get your advert noticed is not a viable option I’m afraid.


With this knowledge, you should now have the ability to get creative and use your words effectively to generate some much sought after traffic.